PC Spray  is a Windows based program designed to organize and simplify common tasks associated with running your aerial application business in ways to help you operate your business more efficiently.  We have worked to produce a program that is intuitive and easy to use in order to minimize the learning curve, yet powerful and flexible enough to address your specific needs.  If you are familiar with other Windows based programs, then becoming proficient with PC Spray should be a simple and painless process.

PC Spray makes extensive use of type ahead and drag & drop functions to minimize keystrokes and to make entering or recovering information extremely fast.

Type Ahead? In many of the places where you are required to enter information, as soon as you type the first letter it is compared to a list of existing information.  The first item of the list automatically fills in the field for you.  The list is narrowed down as you continue to type. As soon as you see the item you are looking for, simply tab out of the field.  In many cases two or three keystrokes will take you to the item you are looking for.

Getting Help The screens in PC Spray are referred to as forms and  the form you are working in is referred to as the active form.  Pressing the F1 Key will take you to the help for the active form.

So What does it Do?
The basic functions of PC Spray are as follows: 


The customer rolodex stores information about all your customers.  If your customer list is stored in a file that can be output to a common standard database format (Microsoft Access, Comma Separated Text, Tab Separated Text etc.), Icarus Software can convert your file to the format compatible with PC Spray.

The Field Manager and map creation and editing functions organize information about the customer's application sites and are accessible through this component.

 Chemical Database

The chemical database stores particulars about the chemical you apply.  Information such as the units they are purchased in, the units they are sold in, and how much you want to charge for the product.

Recording Sales Information
When you record the sale of a product or application job the information is recorded on a work order.  The transaction can either be recorded as a "Spray Job" for application or a "Counter Sale" for someone that comes to you for a product only.

Billing Sales
When a work order has been completed it is billed.  Any splits are applied at this time.  PC Spray allows you to split application and material separately, each up to ten ways using decimals or fractions.  If you wish to alter work order or splits information after a work order has already been billed, simply make your changes and re-bill the work order.   If you delete a work order, all billing information associated with the work order is deleted as well.


Producing Invoices
The invoice process involves a few simple steps to produce finished invoices you send out to your customers.  The program searches for billed work orders that have not yet been invoiced and prompts you to assign the date you want to appear on your invoices.  The work orders are then assigned to an invoice and printed.  This enables you to fit several work orders on one invoice page, typically 4 to 6 depending on the complexity of the work order (number of products and so forth).

 Recording Payments
As payments arrive they are recorded on the payments form.  Type in the check information and simply drag it to the invoice and work order being paid.  Credits, debits, discounts and service charges are also recorded on this form, more about these items later.

Generating Reports
The reports form enables you to generate over 60 reports that fall broadly into two groups:

Financial Reports:  Items such as Aging, Statements, Credits/Debits, Receivables, Payments, Pilot Wages,  etc.  Some of these provide information that is sent to the customer, and some of them provide information that can either be used in your ledger or is important to know.

Business Reports:  A number of reports, many of them graphical, that provide information about the functioning of your business.

 Reports can be exported to a variety of formats including Access, Excel, Word, HTML or character separated text. 

Keeping Track Of Products
Products are recorded as they are received from or returned to the vendors.  Products are subtracted from your inventory as they are sold or applied, and added back to your inventory when returned by a customer. 

Writing Letters
Form letters or labels can be produced for selected groups of customers using a variety of selection criteria.