N3626G, SN 718B
Grumman G-164B Ag Cat
M601E Engine TT2614-, TSI 1456, TTO-0006-TC.544
MVP50 TT 2575/1283 cycles, Hobbs 2772
Avia Prop V508EAG106A, SN 410662114, SPOH 1663
Grumman G-164B Ag Cat
M601E Engine TT2614-, TSI 1456, TTO-0006-TC.544
MVP50 TT 2575/1283 cycles, Hobbs 2772
Avia Prop V508EAG106A, SN 410662114, SPOH 1663
1983 Grumman AgCat. 9335TT, M601E, Avia Prop. Long range fuel, dual bottom load fuel, right boom shutoff, custom recessed dash, MVP50 instrument panel, Hershey wing tips, rudder servo, Frakes aileron servos, elevator servo, heavy gear, stainless tail wheel, COM radio, CP nozzle/ck valve/swivel, 38" gate box, air condition w/sealed cockpit,29x1100 tires, smoker, Transland pump and spray valve, Lane brake, Agrinautics fan. January 2024 annual. CLEAN northern aircraft, always hangared, no MDH.

1976 Grumman Agcat 600. G-164A5000 hours on airframe1500 hours on engine3 years left on prop, Stainless steel belly, Stainless steel booms, flat fan nozzles, Stainless steel spreader, Automatic flag man, Crop Hawk, One piece windshield, Older light GPS, Baggage compartment, The plane has always been stored in a hanger.