
DelNorte FliteTrac

Del Norte Technology, Inc. proudly presents advanced Multiple Feature Level pre-flight and post-analysis software. The client required levels of software are easily changed by using different securitycontrol hardware keys.

Multiple Feature Levels:

  • Essentials
  • Essentials, SO and TFZ (Spray Off - Target Flow Zone)
  • Essentials, SO, TFZ and TF ® (Target Flow, variable fl ow control)
  • Essentials, SO, TFZ, TF ® and GSI (Geo Spatial Imagery) Track and select multiple fields from asingle file or combined files.
  • Analyze flight and spray patterns parameterswith the following views:
  • World View (North-Up)
  • Rotated Plot View? Geo Map View
  • GSI Map View (Geo Spatial Imagery)Create special polygon areas for Spray Off, Target Flow and Target Flow Zone controls.These special features are also included in the GSI package. Precision scalable grids, x/y and L/L.
  • Error analysis through graphics and interactive color cloaking for quality flight examination and potential improvements.
  • View individual flight records through indicated display windows, graphics and linesummary tables. Scalable graphics for printer output.
  • GIS Import and Export file options.
  • Create and draw pre-flight polygons, waypoints, P1/P2 points and others.
  • Transform and rotate imported GIS filesand export if needed to new file format.